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Vous êtes ici : équipe / CNRS – Unité LEEISA, Ecosystèmes et dynamiques des espaces littoraux et Côtiers, UMSR 3456,

CNRS – Unité LEEISA, Ecosystèmes et dynamiques des espaces littoraux et Côtiers, UMSR 3456,

Discipline : Géomorphologie, Sédimentologie, Optique marine, Biogéochimie, Ichtyologie.

Mots-clés : morphodynamique, écosystèmes côtiers, télédétection de la couleur de l’eau, recrutement ichtyofaune en mangrove.

Personnel de l’équipe résident en Guyane :

 Chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs :

- GARDEL Antoine / MCF HDR (ULCO)  UMR CNRS 8187 LOG en délégation au CNRS – LEEISA UMSR 3456 / /



- CISSE Abdoul / MCF Université de Guyane – LEEISA UMSR 3456 /

- SANZ Nicolas / MCF Université de Guyane – LEEISA UMSR 3456 /

 Post doctorants :


- DIOP Bassirou /

Doctorants :

- GALLAY Marjorie / 2014-2017 / co-dir: Alain Laraque (UMR GET, Toulouse) et Antoine Gardel, co-encadrant : Jean-Michel Martinez (UMR GET, Toulouse) /

- ZORILLA ABASCAL Noellia / 2015-2018 / dir : Antoine Gardel, co-encadrant Vincent Vantrepotte /

- VALLEE Vincent / encadrant : Fabian Blanchard (Ifremer – UMSR 3456) /

- JOLIVET Morgane /

Ingénieurs /Techniciens :

- MAURY Tanguy,CNRS /

- MORVAN Sylvain,CNRS /

- MANSUY Emmanuel,Ifremer /

Thème de recherche :

- Dynamique hydro-morpho-sédimentaire littorale, migration des bancs de vase amazoniens et colonisation par la mangrove.

- Morphodynamique des plages sableuses en lien avec la fréquentation des tortues marines.

- Dynamique sédimentaire estuarienne

- Etude de la dynamique biogéochimique des eaux côtières via l’observation in situ et l’observation satellitale de la couleur l’eau

- Recrutement de l’Ichtyofaune en mangrove

  • Compétences spécifiques et savoir-faire :
  • - Topographie, sédimentologie, hydrodynamique, géophysique (sismique) télédétection, SIG, Optique marine.


  • Équipements spécifiques disponibles :

- Sondeur à sédiment (SB 424 Edge Tech) pour sismique haute résolution

- Courantomètre houlographe ADCP

- GPS différentiel Trimble

- Sonde multiparamètres

- Radiomètres TRIOS

- Granulomètre Laser

- Spectrophotomètre in situ

- Spectrophotomètre de laboratoire

- Sonde CTD

- Sonde optique : coefficient de rétrodiffusion

- Sonde turbidité (STBD NKE instrumentation)

- 8 Capteurs de pression (SPT2 NKE instrumentation)

- 3 Altimètres ultrason (ALTUS NKE instrumentation)

Partenariat et réseaux :

  • Partenariat régional et national :








- UMR Espace-Dev







- ORE Hybam

  • Partenariat international :

- UFPA Belem
- IEPA Macapa
- NARI Georgetown
- Stony Brook University
- Parc National du Cap Orange Oiapoque

Publications significatives :

  • 2017

- Caillaud, J., Lesourd, S., Philippe, S., Gontharet, S., Sarrazin, M., Gardel, A., 2017. Physical propertiesof muddy sediments from French Guiana. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 73, 22-32.

- Danhiez, F.P., Vantrepotte, V., Cauvin, A., Loisel, H., (2017), Optical properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter during a phytoplankton bloom. Implication for DOC estimates from CDOM absorption, Limonolgy and Oceanography. Limnology and Oceanography, 62(4), pp. 1409-1425

- Loisel, H., Vantrepotte, V., Ouillon, S., Dinh Ngoc et al. (2017) Assessment of the Chlorophyll-a concentration variability over the Vietnamese coastal waters from the MERIS ocean color sensors (2002-2012), Remote Sensing of Environment, Remote Sensing of Environment 190, 217-232.

- Orseau, S., Lesourd, S., Huybrechts, N. and Gardel, A., 2017. Hydro-sedimentary processes of a shallow tropical estuary under Amazon influence. The Mahury Estuary, French Guiana. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 189, 252-266.

- Rousseau, Y., F. Blanchard, Gardel, A., 2017. Spatio-temporal dynamics of larval fish in a tropical estuarine mangrove: example of the Mahury river estuary (French Guiana). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0267.

  • 2016

- Aschenbroich, A., Michaud, E., Stieglitz, T., Fromard, F., Gardel, A., Tavares, M., Thouzeau, G. Brachyuran crab community structure and associated sediment reworking activity in pioneer and young mangroves in French Guiana, South America. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 182, 60-71.

- Bacha, M, Jiyid A., Vantrepotte, V., Dessailly D., Amara, R. (2016) Environmental effects on spatio- temporal patterns of abundance and distribution of Sardina pilchardus and sardinella off the Mauritanian coast (North-West Africa), Fisheries Oceanography, Fisheries Oceanography 26(3), pp. 282-298.

- Brunier, G., Fleury, J., Anthony, E.J., Gardel, A., Dussouillez, P., 2016. Close-range airborne photogrammetry: an effective tool for high-resolution sandy beach morphometric surveys. Examples from embayed beaches in French Guyana. Geomorphology, 261, 76–88.

- Gensac E., Martinez J.M, Vantrepotte V., Anthony E.J. (2016). Seasonal and inter-annual dynamics of suspended sediment at the mouth of the Amazon River: The role of continental and oceanic forcing, and implications for coastal geomorphology and mud bank formation, Continental Shelf Research,118, 49-62.

- Han, B., Loisel, H., Vantrepotte, V., Mériaux, X., Bryère, P., Ouillon, S., Dessailly, D., Xing, Q., Zhu, J., (2016). Development of a Semi-Analytical Algorithm for the Retrieval of Suspended Particulate Matter from Remote Sensing over Clear to Very Turbid Waters, Remote Sensing, 8, 211.

- Mélin, F., Vantrepotte, V., Chuprin, A., Jackson, T., Sathyendranath, S. (2016). Assessing the fitness- for-purpose of satellite multi-mission ocean color climate data records: A protocol applied to OC-CCI chlorophyll-a data, Remote Sensing of Environment, in press.

- Proisy, C., Degenne, P., Anthony, E.J., Berger, U., Blanchard, E., Fromard, F.,Gardel, A.,Olagoke, A., Santos, V.F., Walcker, R., & Lo Seen, D.(2016). A multiscale simulation approach for linking mangrove dynamics to coastal processes using remote sensing observations. Journal of Coastal Research,Special Issue, No.75, pp. 810-814.

  • 2015

- Anthony, E.J., Gardel, A., Dolique, F., Brunier, G., Peron, C., 2015. Mud banks, sand flux and beach morphodynamics: Montjoly Lagoon beach, French Guiana. In: Robin, M., Maanan, M. (Eds.), Coastal Sediment Fluxes, Coastal Research Library Series, Springer, pp. 75-90.

- Gensac, E., Gardel, A., Lesourd, S, Brutier, L. Morphodynamic evolution of an intertidal mudflat under the influence of Amazon supply – Kourou mud bank, French Guiana, South America. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, accepté

- Mélin, F., Vantrepotte, V. (2015). How optically diverse is the coastal ocean ? Remote Sensing of Environment, 160, 235-251.

- Vantrepotte, V., Danhiez, F.P., Loisel, H., Ouillon, S., Mériaux, X., Cauvin, A. and D. Dessailly (2015) CDOM-DOC relationship in contrasted coastal waters: implication for DOC retrieval from ocean color remote sensing observation. Optics Express, 33(1), 11-22.

- Walcker, R., Anthony, E.J., Cassou, C., Aller, R.C., Gardel, A., Martinez, J.M., Proisy, C. and Fromard.,F. Multi-decadal oscillations in mangrove abundance driven by north Atlantic ocean wave climate. Journal of Biogeography, accepté.

  • 2014

- Gontharet, S., Mathieu, O., Levêque , J., Milloux, M.J., Lesourd, S., Philippe, S., Caillaud, J., Gardel, A., Sarrazin, M., Proisy, C., 2014. Distribution and sources of bulk organic matter (OM) in a tropical intertidal mud bank of French Guiana using elemental and isotopic proxies. Chemical Geology, Volume 376, 29 May 2014, Pages 1-10

- Navarro, G., Alvain, S., Vantrepotte, V., Huertas, I.E., (2014) Identification of dominant phytoplankton functional types in the Mediterranean Sea based on a regionalized remote sensing approach, Remote Sensing of Environment, 152, pp. 557-575.

- Hubert Loisel, Antoine Mangin, Vincent Vantrepotte, David Dessailly, Dat Ngoc Dinh, Philippe Garnesson, Sylvain Ouillon, Jean-Pierre Lefebvre, Xavier Mériaux, Thu Minh Phan. (2014) Variability of suspended particulate matter concentration in coastal waters under the Mekong’s influence from ocean color (MERIS) remote sensing over the last decade. Remote Sensing of Environment, 150 218–230.

- Loisel, Hubert, Vantrepotte, Vincen, Dessailly, David; et al. (2014) Assessment of the colored dissolved organic matter in coastal waters from ocean color remote sensing. Optics Express, Volume: 22. Issue: 11. Pages: 13109-13124.

- Delgado, Ana L.,Jamet, Cedric, Loisel, Hubert, Vantrepotte Vincent et al. (2014). Evaluation of the MODIS-Aqua Sea-Surface Temperature product in the inner and mid-shelves of southwest Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. International Journal of Remote Sensing. Volume: 35. Issue: 1. Pages: 306-320.

  •  2013

- Anthony, E.J., Gardel, A., Gratiot, N., 2013. Fluvial sediment supply, mud banks, cheniers and the morphodynamics of the coast of South America between the Amazon and Orinoco river mouths. Invited contribution, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 388, first published on September 2, 2013, doi:10.1144/SP388.8.

- Vantrepotte V., Gensac E., Loisel H., Gardel A., Dessailly., and X. Mériaux (2013). Satellite assessment of the coupling between in water suspended particulate matter and mud banks dynamics over the French Guiana coastal domain. Journal of South American Earth Sciences,. 1-10

- Loisel, H. V. Vantrepotte, C. Jamet, and D. N. Dinh. Challenges and New Advances in Ocean Color Remote Sensing of Coastal Waters. 07/2013; ISBN: 978-953-51-1179-5 In book: Earth and Planetary Sciences » Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences » « Topics in Oceanography », Publisher: INTECH, Editors: Enrico.2012.

  •  2012

- Alvain, S., V. Vantrepotte, J. Uitz, L. Duforêt-Gaurier (2012). Use of global satellite observations to collect information in marine ecology, In Sensors for ecology : Towards integrated knowledge of ecosystems, J.-F. Le Galliard, J.-M. Guarini, and F. Gaill [Eds], CNRS, Institut Ecologie et Environnement, France, pp. 227-242.

- Demarcq H., Reygondeau G., Alvain S. Vantrepotte, V. (2012), Monitoring marine phytoplankton seasonality from space, Remote sensing of environment, Volume : 117 pages : 211-222 doi : 10.1016/j.rse.2011.09.019

- Vantrepotte, V., Loisel, H., Dessailly, D., and Mériaux, X., Optical classification of contrasted coastal waters, Remote Sensing of Environment, 123: 306-323 (2012).

  •  2011

- Anthony, E.J., Dolique, F., Gardel, A., 2011. Contrasting sand beach morphodynamics in a mud-dominated setting: Cayenne, French Guiana. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 30-34.

- Anthony, E.J., Gardel, A., Dolique, F., 2011. The Amazon-influenced mud-bank coast of South America: short- to long-term morphodynamics of ‘inter-bank’ areas and chenier development. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 25-29.

- Gardel, A., Gensac, E., Anthony, E.J., Lesourd, S., Loisel, H. Marin, D., 2011. Wave-formed mud bars: their mor¬phodynamics and role in opportunistic mangrove colonization. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 384-387.

- Gensac, E., Lesourd, S., Gardel, A., Anthony, E.J., Proisy, C., Loisel, H., 2011. Short-term prediction of the evo¬lution of mangrove surface areas: The example of the mud banks of Kourou and Sinnamary, French Guiana. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 388-392.

-  Loisel, H., V. Vantrepotte, K. Norkvist, X.Mériaux, M. Kheireddine, J. Ras, M. Pujo-Pay, Y. Combet, K. Leblanc, G. Dall’Olmo, R. Mauriac, D. Dessailly and T. Moutin (2011). haracterization of the bio-optical anomaly and diurnal variability of articulate matter, as seen from scattering and backscattering oefficients, in ultra-oligotrophic eddies of the Mediterranean Sea, Biogeosciences, 8, 3295-3317. doi:10.5194/bg-8-3295-2011.

- Mélin F., V. Vantrepotte, M. Clerici, D. D’Alimonte, G. Zibordi, J.-F., Berthon, E. Canuti (2011). Multi-sensor satellite time series of optical properties and chlorophyll a concentration in the Adriatic Sea, Progress in Oceanography, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2010.12.001.

- MERMEX Group (2011), Marine Ecosystems Responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the Mediterranean. Influence of solar radiation., Progress in Oceanography, 91 (2), 97-166.

- Vantrepotte V., Mélin, F. (2011). Inter-annual variations in the SeaWiFS global chlorophyll a concentration (1997-2007), Deep Sea Research I, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2011.02.003.

- Vantrepotte, V., H. Loisel , X. Mériaux, G. Neukermans, D. Dessailly, C. Jamet, E. Gensac, and A. Gardel, 2011. Seasonal and inter-annual (2002-2010) variability of the suspended particulate matter as retrieved from satellite ocean color sensor over the French Guiana coastal waters. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, ISSN 0749-0208

- V. Vantrepotte, H. Loisel, F. Mélin, D. Dessailly, and L. Duforêt‐Gaurier. Global. particulate matter pool temporal variability over the SeaWiFS period (1997–2007). GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 38, L02605, doi:10.1029/2010GL046167, 2011

  • 2010

- Anthony, E. J., Gardel, A., Gratiot, N., Proisy, C., Allison, M., Dolique, F. and Fromard, F., 2010. The Amazon-influenced high mud-supply shores of South America : A review of mud bank-shoreline interactions. Earth Science Reviews, 103, 99-121.

- Loisel H., Lubac B., Dessailly D., Duforêt-Gaurier L., and Vantrepotte V. « Effect of inherent optical properties variability on the chlorophyll retrieval from ocean color remote sensing : an in situ approach », Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 20, 2010.

- Vantrepotte V., Mélin F. (2010). Temporal variability in SeaWiFS derived apparent optical properties in the European marine waters, Continental Shelf Research, 30, 319-334.

  •  2009

- Gardel, A., Proisy, C., Lesourd, S., Philippe, S., Caillaud, J., Gontharet, S, Anthony, E.J. and Brutier, L., 2009. A better understanding of mud cracking processes gained from in situ measurements on an intertidal mudflat in French Guiana. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 424-428.

- Loisel, H., Mériaux, X., Poteau, A., Artigas, L. F., Lubac, B., Gardel, A., Caillaud, J. and Lesourd, S., 2009. Analy¬sis of the inherent optical properties of French Guiana coastal waters for remote sensing applications. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, vol. 2, 1532-1536.

- Proisy, C., Gratiot, N., Anthony, E.J., Gardel, A., Fromard, F. et Heuret, P. 2009. Mud bank colonization by op¬portunistic mangroves: a case study from French Guiana using lidar data. Continental Shelf Research, Vol. 29, Issue 3, 632-641

- Vantrepotte V., Mélin, F. (2009). Temporal variability of 10-year global SeaWiFS time series of phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration., ICES Journal of Marine Science, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsp107.

  • 2008

- Anthony, E. J., Dolique, F., Gardel, A., Gratiot, N., Proisy, C., et Polidori, L. 2008. Nearshore intertidal topo¬graphy and topographic-forcing mechanisms of an Amazon-derived mud bank in French Guiana. Continental Shelf Research. 28, 813-822.

- Brunet, C., Casotti, R., Vantrepotte V. (2008). Phytoplankton diel and vertical variability in photobiological responses at a coastal station in the Mediterranean Sea, Journal Plankton Research, 30 : 645-654, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbn028.

- Gratiot, N., Anthony, E. J., Gardel, A., Gaucherel, C., Proisy, C. & Wells, J.T., 2008. Significant contribution of the 18.6 year tidal cycle to regional coastal changes. Nature Geoscience, 1, 169-172.

  • 2007

- Brunet, C., Casotti, R., Vantrepotte V., Corato, F. Conversano, F. (2007). Vertical Variability and Diel Dynamics of Picophytoplankton in the Strait of Sicily (Mediterranean Sea) in Summer. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 346, 15-26.

- Gratiot, N., Gardel, A., Anthony, E. J., 2007. Trade-wind waves and mud dynamics on the French Guiana coast, South America: input from ERA-40 wave data and field investigations. Marine Geology, 236, 1-2, 15-26.

- Vantrepotte V., Brunet, C., Mèriaux, X., Le´cuyer, E., Vellucci, V., Santer, R. (2007). Bio-optical properties of coastal waters in the Eastern English Channel, Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 72 (1-2), 201-212.

  •  2006

- Brunet, C., Casotti, R., Vantrepotte, V., Corato, F., Conversano, F. (2006). Picophytoplankton diversity and photoacclimation in the Strait of Sicily (Mediterranean Sea) in summer. I. Mesoscale variations, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 44 (2), 127-141.

- Gardel, A., Gratiot, N., 2006. Monitoring of coastal dynamics in French Guiana from 16 years of SPOT images. Journal of Coastal Research, SI39, 1503-1506.

  •  2005

- Casotti, R., Mazza, S., Brunet, C., Vantrepotte, V., Ianora, A., Miralto, A. (2005). Growth inhibition and toxicity of the diatom aldehyde 2-trans, 4-trans-decadienal on Thalassiosira weissflogii (Bacillariophyceae), Journal of Phycology, 41 (1), 7-20.

- Gardel, A., Gratiot, N., 2005. A satellite imagery-based method for monitoring mud bank migration rates, French Guiana, South America. Journal of Coastal Research, 21, 720-728.

  •  2003

- Brunet, C., Casotti, R., Aronne, B., Vantrepotte, V. (2003). Measured photophysiological parameters used as tools to estimate vertical water movements in the coastal Mediterranean. Journal of Plankton Research, 25 (11), 1413-1425.

  • 2002

- Anthony, E.J., Gardel, A., Dolique, F., Guiral, D., 2002. Short-term changes in the plan shape of a sandy beach in response to sheltering by a nearshore mud bank, Cayenne, French Guiana. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, vol. 27, Issue 8, 857-866.

Financement en cours :


Evolution de l’impact anthropique sur le littoral guyanais et les grands estuaires (Maroni et Oyapock : compréhension du fonctionnement des milieux pour une meilleure gestion de l’aménagement du territoire, de l’environnement et des ressources

Financement Office de l’Eau de Guyane : EFHEMAR

Etude du fonctionnement hydro-sédimentaire de l’estuaire du fleuve Maroni

Projet de type TOSCA financé par le CNES : HARDECOT Couleur de l’eau/télédétection

Thèse UG co-financée CNES-Grand Port Maritime-DEAL (et CNRS) :

Dynamics of the Amazonian mud bank system through spatial observation and hydro – sedimentary modeling: application to the coastal domain of French Guiana.

Thèse UG financée sur un contrat UG :

Morphodynamique des littoraux sableux de Guyane.


Changement à long terme de la structure et de la diversité des peuplements de fond du plateau

continental en Guyane.

Les projets de la Pépinière interdisciplinaire de Guyane financée par la Mission pour l’Interdisciplinarité du CNRS.